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Raising the water temperature and trapping the heat throughout the night makes a solar pool cover a great idea.
But what is it that makes the best products so good, and why are they beneficial? We’re going to consider these questions and more.
Types of Solar Pool Covers?
Regular Solar Cover
This affordable solar pool cover is easy to use and known for its bubbles that magnify the UV light from the sun and insulate the water during the night.
They are the most common and are robust enough to withstand the harsh conditions of constant sunlight.
Sun Rings
Acting like a series of lily pads floating on the surface, they do not offer the same coverage but are decorative and use magnets to keep the rings close for optimal results.
They use UV rays to heat the water and are easier to remove when needing to clean the pool.
Liquid Solar Covers
This additive works as a chemical reaction when poured into the pool to provide a barrier that stops water evaporation.
The film on the surface traps the heat and is safe to use but can’t be used in chlorine pools as the
chlorine stops the formula from working.
Best Solar Cover REEL for Above Ground Pool
To keep your pool organized, you can benefit from the time you will save from using a reel.
They protect your pool cover and make it easier to get the maximum benefit from well-positioned sheets.
Removing them for easy access is also made simple when using the best solar cover reel for an above-ground pool.
You want a product that doesn’t take up a lot of space around the pool, but can still offer stability and remain durable in the face of the elements.
What’s the Best Pool Solar Cover THICKNESS?
A common question in the best solar cover reviews with a simple answer. For best results, go for a thickness between 12 and 16 millimeters.
Even the thickest pool covers won’t do the same job as a heater, but they are a much more affordable option when you get this purchase right.
What COLOR Solar Pool Cover Works Best?
Look for dark blue solar covers as they have a good blend of heat gain in the day and decent heat absorption.
A clear solar pool cover will not be able to keep the water as warm even though it will allow more heat through to the water in the day, but it will also lose heat faster.
Tips for Above Ground Pool Solar Cover STORAGE
Investing in an above-ground solar cover storage system will make it easier to maintain.
Using a reel can help to bring them in and out of the water but in the winter months, you may wish to store them for longer.
Always be sure to dry them before storing or risk finding mold and mildew forming when it comes to using them next season.
Then, most above-ground pool solar storage requires keeping the covers in a dark, dry place until the time comes to use them again.
How to USE a Solar Pool Cover?
The sheets do not always fit perfectly, so unless you want to overlap the covers which can prevent the heat from warming the water, you will want to cut them to size.
Lay them bubble wrap side down to ensure they float. Be sure to avoid draping them over the sides, as it will reduce the effectiveness of the cover and allow water to evaporate.
Best Solar Pool Cover Reviews
1. In The Swim Solar Pool Cover
Measuring 16 x 32 feet, there is plenty of coverage to ensure your above-ground pool stays warm with this rectangle solar cover.
2. Sun2Solar Solar Cover
Available in blue and clear, this 12 x 24 ft solar pool cover is great for using UV rays to heat the pool water. They can be trimmed to fit and offer excellent heat retention.
3. Intex Solar Cover
Ideal for circular pools, this 15 ft diameter over is easy to use from the moment you open the box. An excellent option for family-sized pools that reduce evaporation by 95%.
4. Liquid Solar Blanket
Another option is this chemical product, creating an invisible barrier to reduce water evaporation by 85% and heat loss by up to 70%.
So the best solar pool cover is very much the one that ticks the boxes of the pool in question.
You won’t benefit from using an 18ft solar pool cover if you have a small circular pool after all.
Keep an eye out for products that are dark blue, and thick enough to offer proper heat retention.